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Blizzcon 2013 Most Well-Known Cosplayers!! 暴雪嘉年華2013你不可不知的角色扮演玩家!

一年前, 因為沒辦法請假去Blizzcon 2013, 最後只好買網路票看實況轉播. 今天突然想到這件事情, 翻了一下已經荒廢的blogger在重新看一次一年前寫的文章. 看完了才真正覺得, 今年去Blizzcon是對的.

Btw, 之前應該是看了Blizzcon太興奮了決定開始寫網誌,當時的志向很大想要每一篇都中英文一起寫,結果這篇寫了大概有一個多禮拜這麼久.後面的文章就開始放棄這樣做了. 看完以後. 有點自己都被自己感動了.哈哈!!

Anywayz, 喜歡Cosplay正妹的可以看下! 希望你們會喜歡!


暴雪嘉年華已經結束一個禮拜了!想必暴雪的忠實玩家們都已經從各大網站得知最新遊戲資訊,開始期待下一個資料片跟暴雪英霸的到來吧! It has been two weeks since Blizzcon 2013! Every gamers now must be excited about the news announced at Blizzcon and are looking forward to the next expansion of World of Warcraft, Diablo 3 and the most important one- Heros of the Storm!!!! 但是, 今天我要討論的主題並沒有和遊戲本身完全相關. 沒錯! 我猜你已經知道我今天是要來介紹的是暴雪2013的角色扮演玩家! 暴雪嘉年華裡總是充滿了各式各樣的角色扮演,你可以看到地精術士在施展變羊術, 獸人戰士揮舞著巨大的斧頭, 槍兵掃射毒爆蟲,或是看Diablo修理涅法達姆.你總會從那些角色扮演中發現驚喜, 這也是為什麼我會這麼愛暴雪嘉年華的主要原因! However, the topic i am going to introduce today is not actually related to the game itself. Yes, guess you already know that today I am going to talk about is the cosplayers at Blizzcon 2013! There are always tons of cosplayers at blizzcon, you can always see bunches of Troll Warlocks casting Polymorph, Orc Warriors swinging their mighty axe, Marine killing the Baneling, or Diablo torturing the Nephalem! You always get surprised by those amazing cosplayers, this is also the reason I love Blizzcon so much!

在看我介紹前必看的影片,是MLZ製作的神影片"Blizzcon經典角色扮演"(必看!!) There is a YouTube clips you need to watch before my article. "Blizzcon 2013 Epic Cosplay" filmed by MLZ.(This is a must-watch!!)

暴雪嘉年華2013新推出的座談會"史詩級角色扮演與你" 邀請到了2009,2011年冠軍Lorraine Torres, Avery Faeth,和本屆的兩名冠軍Svetlana(Kamui), Laura Jansen(Lightning Cosplay). 其中的一位短髮主持人Christina Sims(Zerina),她是2010年冠軍,現在負責爐石戰記的社群經理.原本有影片的但是已經被移除了,所以各位沒機會看到, 有點可惜. There is a new event called "Epic Cosplayer and You" hosted by Christina Sims(Zerina) and Joanna Johnson. The panelists are Blizzcon 2009 winner Lorraine Torres, 2011 winner Avery Faeth, and two of the winner this year Svetlana(Kamui) and Laura Jansen(Lighting Cosplay). By the way, just want to mention that one of the host "Christina Simes" is the 2010 winner, well-known as the "Female Monk", and she now is the representative of the Hearthstone community.


The pro-cosplayers talk about their experience of making their armors, weapons, magic staff from the start to the end. They also recommend some materials, paints, and technique they used to craft the pieces, such as "Foam", "Sculpey" which is a polymer clay, "Catalyst", and etc. I am not a cosplay, and I haven't made any costume myself, so I only understand half the the material they talking about in the clip. However, I believe you will learn something cool if you are an experienced cosplayer.


I have been to Blizzcon twice, and costume contest is always the most anticipated activity for everyone who attend Blizzcon. However, this year I only watched them live in front of my computer, so the I couldn't feel their passion and the cosplayers didn't surprised me at all. At the moment, I felt that this year's cosplay contest is a little bit sloppy compare the the previous year.

直到我看完了這個座談會,發現其中每個cosplay用心的點,有些注重金屬感,有些裝甲裡面有LED燈泡,有一些把全身包括頭皮都染成綠色,看完了這個馬上回去看當時的比賽,會有一種被震撼了的感覺.發現其實不是因為今年的cosplay變差,單純是因為用電腦看感覺不到cosplay的精隨. Anywayz,現在讓我一一介紹這幾個我很喜歡的cosplayers. Until I finished the panel and compared with the previous costume contest. I was shocked and found out this year's contest was extremely great! Some consplayer focus more on detail, some of them put tons of LED light bulb on their armor, some one dye their hair to green, even their scalp! Anyways, Let me start to introduce my favorite cosplayers at Blizzcon!

Christina Sims(Zerina) 我第一次看到Christina是在Blizzcon 2010年的時候,當時她已Diablo 3 Female Monk拿到比賽的第一名.(現在回頭看會覺得當時的第一名其實裝備也沒有很華麗) 我覺得贏的原因最主要是跟遊戲裡面的形象很像,連武器都跟遊戲裡的武憎傳說武器"Won Khim Lau"都做出來了!(Diablo3是2012年出的,Christina當時在2010年"Beta"以前就知道這個傳說武器!可見她當時已經知道不少D3內幕了!)

The firs ttime I met Christina was at the Blizzcon 2010 while she won the 1st price as the "Female Monk" from Diablo 3.(somehow I feel that this cosplay wasn't that fancy compare to the costumes this year.) I think that the reason she won is because she really made herself "The Female Monk". The image was so similar to the monk from the game. She even made the legendary weapon "Won Khim Lau" nearly 100% the same!(btw, Diablo3 was released in 2012, and Christina already knew the legendary weapon in 2010, that was BEFORE the beta!)


第二次碰到她的時候是隔了兩年的美國洛杉磯動漫大展(Anime Expo 2012), 當時她打扮成了英雄聯盟裡面的雷玟(還是特殊skin!)

我當時碰到她超開心的,一見到她馬上就衝到前面問她是不是兩年前的女武憎.她回答是,然後跟我說她很開心還有人能認的出她來. 然後我跟她閒聊了一會兒問她到底是做什麼的, 我印象很深刻她跟我說她在一個對戰卡片的社群裡面專門指導人打桌遊,然後還有負責推廣對戰卡片這個類的遊戲(剛剛發現是Cryptozoic Entertainment,製作WoW對戰卡片的公司),然後她現在的職位是暴雪爐石的社群代表.

The second time I met her was last year at Anime Expo 2012, and she cosplayed as Lesgue of Legends' Riven(with s special skin!). I was so happy to met her that day, and the first question I asked her was "Are you the Monk two years ago at Blizzcon?" She said yes, and was happy that someone did recognize her! After that, we chat a little bit, and she told me that he was working in a card game company and was taking charge of the game distribution.(I just realized it is Crptozoic Entertainment, the company which publish the WoW card game). Now she is the community representative at Blizzard's Hearthstone.


這邊來附上一些網路上找到的資料分享給大家,有很多照很漂亮的照片! Here are some photos that I found from the internet!

這邊附上 Christina的粉絲團,裡面有很多其他厲害的cosplay! This is the link of Christina's cosplay fan page, you can find bunches of super cool cosplay picture in it!

Avery Faeth Avery是我最喜歡的Cosplayers之一,我只看過她表演兩次,第一次是讓我印象最深刻的星海爭霸副官.當初看到她整個嚇傻,她那次的cosplay到現在我都覺得是我有史以來看過最厲害的. Avery is so far my favorite cosplayer among all. I have only seen her performance twice. First time I saw her at Blizzcon 2010, and she was the Adjutant from Starcraft, that costume is so far my favorite as well! I have never seen suck kind of masterpiece before, and her costume really inspired me a lot and is the reason I write about this article.

現在我要介紹一下他這套星海爭霸副官套裝. 他有很仔細研究原本的副官是沒有手然後只有上半身像個人,下半身全部都是電線,所以他的套裝有特別設計可以把雙手藏起來, Now I am going to introduce her epic cosplay-Adjutant. She did her research well that she found out that Adjutant doesn't have an arm. So she made the detail and hide her arm with pair of black plastic bags.

然後背後有一台小電視,Avery說是他在Salvage Market(回收市場)買到的,他把它拆掉,銀幕放在套裝的前面,然後電視機身放在背部. 頭上的額頭突出部分是在Party City(派對道具連鎖店)裡面找到的Halloween面具, 他把額頭那個部分切下來塗顏色最後就變成了副官的額頭! Avery got the little TV from the Salvage market. She installed the screen in front and place the body part at the back to make it more "robotic". She covered the forehead with a a piece of plastic from a halloween mask, painted it grey and put a headphone on it. Doesn't it look like the Adjutant?

另外值得一提的是,他的套裝裡面有裝很多LED(總共有148個LED+開關),現場看到的時候套裝是會發亮的! 超帥! Therefore, there are total of 148 LED light bulb and switches inside the suit. IT WAS AMAZING while it glowed on the stage!!!

Avery這套裝備的base其實就是一件黑色長裙套裝,底色都是黑色因為要把手,關節,身體的部分隱藏起來,然後用一大堆電纜蓋住讓人有下半身都是機械的錯覺. 順帶一提, Avery說整個套裝重達30磅重(13公斤),脫下來套裝會有一種上天堂的感覺!~~ Basically, every cables, tv screen were installed on a black skirt. The total weight of this costume is 30 pounds.

第二次看到她是今年的暴雪嘉年華,由於打扮太不一樣了,所以當初看角色扮演比賽的時候完全沒有認出她來,只記得有一個玩家扮演WoW裡面Garona Halforcen 女獸人扮的很像, 最後是在"史詩級角色扮演與你" 見面會上看到她才恍然大悟原來女獸人就是兩年前的星海爭霸副官!

The second time I saw her was this year's blizzcon, as a Female Orc Garona Halforcen.

Avery她在介紹自己的時候,她有強調他主攻細節,所以腳上的護膝上布的編織都是自己一條一條織上的,武器上面還有特別鑲上水晶. When Avery introduced her costume, she did mention that she likes to focus on detail. For example, she weaved the layers on the armors by herself, she also put jewels into her sword and axe.

武器的部分也是做的很仔細,她說她在製作武器刀鋒的時候,故意選比較便宜的電刀,因為便宜的電刀比較難控制,所以割出來的紋路會比較不規則,這樣剛好符合她獸人粗糙武器的感覺. 另外塗料的部分,她特別選了一種顏料叫做acrylic paint,可以讓顏料的鐵黑色浮現出來,這樣呈現出金屬感.

Let's now talk about the weapons she made. Also in extremely detailed! She shared the experience that she used a crappy electrical blade to shape the weapon, since it is extremely hard to control, so she can make the rough surface. Perfectly fits to her Garona Halforcen outfit! About the paint she used, she picked a special paint called "Acrylic Paints" that can show the "metal" effect quite well!

有注意到她的頭髮嗎? 尾巴的部分有綁很多小裝飾,有牙齒,石頭,小匕首,真是做的很精緻! 另外你們有發現,她連頭皮都塗成綠色的了!!! 把身體塗成綠色的顏料品牌叫做Cinema Secret,是專門給Hollywood化妝師專用的,整個很講究! Avery有提到一個畫臉部的重點,她說臉上不能只有全部塗成綠色的,這樣會很假,一定要把臉上的陰影跟線條表現出來才會讓角色栩栩如生. Did you look closer to her hair? You can find teethes, little stones, and small witch doctor's dagger binding with the hair. Super detailed! Isn't it? You can also find that she dyed her scalp in green!!! The paint she used to dye her body called "Cinema Secret" and it was used in Cinema industry such as Hollywood! Avery mentioned a point that people "need to" put some "shadow" on their face make up , it will be really boring if you just painted your face in pure green!

在看完"史詩級角色扮演與你"後,可以完全感受到Avery她對cosplay的熱情, 她一開始就跟大家說,她喜歡cosplay是因為她要把電影裡面虛幻不存在的腳色實體化呈現給大家看,這樣不是很酷嗎? Avery told us that she is extremely passionate about cosplay, and the reason she loves cosplay is because she wants to bring the non-exist character to life! Isn't that cool? 本人真心覺得她已經厲害到可以去電影公司做道具或化妝師了! 不管是看她在影片中毫無保留的分享她cosplay的心得,或是看她在粉絲團裡面報告她的cosplay進度, 都可以深深的被她的熱情感動到! 完全等不急要看她Blizzcon2014的造型了!!! I truely think that she is soooo pro that she can really just to go the movie industry to make a real immortal king's armor or an Infinity Edge! I can always feel her passion through the clips on Youtube or from her facebook posts. Really can't wait for her next performance at Blizzcon 2013!!! 這邊附上Avery Faeth的facebook粉絲團,裡面有很多她的照片還有blizzcon其他玩家的照片,有興趣的可以點進去看看! Here is Avery's facebook fan page link, there are bunches of cool pics on the site!!! add her to receive her daily news about cosplay!


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